Wednesday, June 4, 2008

June Belly Pics

Here is my ever expanding belly. I hope that it is Aiden filling it up! He was so active yesterday evening, that I could barely do anything. If you've seen the Alien movies with Sigourney Weaver, it's much like the scenes right before the alien pops out of the belly. You see what looks to be a shark under the plastic of the waterbed encasement. He pushes down so hard that I really think that he's going to break my water! I have gained around 40 pounds due to my lack of jogging and weight training. So I can tell that I am now like jelly, but I've decided that I want to run a 5k in late Spetember. So, I hope that I can get back into running again!

1 comment:

  1. Hi- - thank you for leaving me a comment - - I'm always looking to meet and talk with new people. We considered the name Aiden... I love it, but we felt like it clashed with Peyton. Feel free to email me anytime at


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