Friday, January 2, 2009


Baby Aiden rolled over from BACK to front at 2:59p.m. today. Aiden really didn't know what to do when we all cheered for him.
He also scoots backwards all over his blankets. He pushes up and gets his knees under him. Then flattens out going backwards. He still dislikes being on his tummy!


  1. Yeeeeeeeah Aiden! Gabe has also mastered snatching EVERYTHING! Coupons, hair, receipts, clothing, and he loves to pinch (and it really hurts!!!!). Aiden is so cute - we should get together!

  2. Isn't the snatching sometimes scary;) Aiden gets everything in front of him. He got a piece of bread and tried to put it in his mouth. It would be fun to get together:)


Wider than the sky...

Thoughts about our daily lives.