The banner with his monthly pictures. One for each month of his life! Here are the balls. Aiden loved watching the bubbles! Where o where has my little dog gone... Aiden and his buddy, Gabe, discussing the benefits of shovels in a sandbox. Awwww, Abigail and her daddy The swing set was a big hit! Miss Ashley takes Aiden for a slide. Aiden was so confused about this. Gabe and Aiden We had a lot of help opening gifts! Leaves, oh, the leaves we have to pick up! I think we all had a wonderful time!
Devin's dreams come true
Henderson started basketball. Devin's dreams came true. It's a simple as
that. And Henderson loves it, which makes my dreams come true. We both
agree he...
BIG CHANGES for this working momma!
Wow. So much has happened in the last couple weeks! Really BIG things!
For starters, I resigned from my job on June 1st after almost 9 years
there! All...
W/W Angels Baseball Game!
This is us at the Angels Baseball Game. EC's favorite team, and Raegan's
first! Such fun!!
*For more Wordless Wednesdays check out, *5 minutes for mom**. ...
Sept 8
Kettlebell workout.
Time to train myself again.
Light swings, around the body, snatch, halo, figure 8 hold.
5 ladders of 1,2 clean and press 16 kg with s...
Don't Raise Our Taxes - Don't Repeal the Tax Cuts
When the Tax Cuts of 2001 and 2003 expire in 2011 people across the country
are going to see the federal government taking more and more of their hard
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