Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day of Firsts!

My sweet boy had his first haircut Thursday! I missed it because I am on the committee doing our school interviews. He couldn't push his hair out of his eyes and it was beginning to bother him.

Here's a before shot.

Here's an after shot.

Pssst! Grammie...please stop reading now, unless you can stand what he has already done.

Another first for Aiden is . . . he took two steps unaided by me or a piece of furniture!!! We tried to get the video camera out to record it, but he was scared by our squeals!


  1. Sure - no problem, I can stop reading in the middle of the post . . . NOT!! How exciting that he took his first steps - we'll see him take the first steps, for the record, at the beach!
    Love, Karen/MOM/Grammie

  2. Yaaaay Aiden! I think it's funny how our boys are doing the same things in the same week. Gabe just up and walked and hasn't slowed down. But it may be because his big brother is so close in age and he thinks he can do ANYTHING Grant does. Which can be really scary!


Wider than the sky...

Thoughts about our daily lives.