Friday, August 15, 2008


Before Aiden was born, I decided that I wanted to run in the Buggy Days 5k. Well, last year, that was the first race I placed in. Now I just want to make it to the finish line!!!!! Since I gave birth, it has been a struggle to even walk a 5k! Nothing prevented me except being tired or maybe even lazy. I recovered fast and feel good. So, what's my problem I kept thinking. Well thank goodness for a great friend of mine, Carrie (miss her), because she sent me something to motivate me! I don't know how she knew that I needed just that: motivation! Here is the link

Now, after watching this, I realized that I was completely out of shape and beyond this mother. I didn't start out my pregnancy as in shape as she was, but I really hope to get into the best shape I can by Aiden's first birthday. To achieve this, I have been trying to jog JUST 1 mile without success! Last night I did it!!! I know that I had to walk some, but I jogged 1 mile and walked 2! Yeah!!! I feel accomplished in my task. Today, I hope to ride about 3-5 miles around my little town of Milner. Honk if you see me (I'm the one with the post-preggo shape;)


  1. You are doing great Sandra. It will be back before you know it. Missing you guys!

  2. Can I just say that if I even had to run 1 mile to save my life at this point - - I couldn't....

    Girl I give you much credit... I'm not even trying to exercise.. maybe you'll inspire me to get off my butt!

  3. Are you kidding me? You're actually exercising? Hmm don't I feel like a real lazy mom - - if I had to RUN a MILE to save my life... hmm I don't think I could at this point. . .

    guess I'll have to read your blog daily - - to motivate me... :(


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